Dental Bonding Near You

Do you have minor cosmetic flaws that you would love to improve without orthodontic treatment or invasive dental procedures? Dental Bonding near you is a dental procedure that involves precisely re-contouring your teeth to address a wide variety of common structural and cosmetic dental issues. During this procedure, your dentist will bond the material to your tooth to cover its defects, improve its structure and enhance its appearance.

dental bonding in South Edmonton

Dental Bonding Repairs

Our dentist will recommend dental bonding in South Edmonton, AB if you have:

  • Broken teeth
  • Chips in your teeth
  • Tooth cracks
  • Slight tooth discolouration
  • Minor spaces between your teeth
  • Teeth that are short and need to be lengthened
  • Misshaped or crooked teeth

Tooth bonding near you is typically done on teeth that have minor issues. Tooth damage that is moderate to severe will likely need to be addressed using a sturdier and more protective restoration such as a dental crown.

The Dental Bonding Procedure

If you are interested in dental bonding, you will be required to schedule a consultation with your dentist. During this time, you will select an accurate colour that will match the rest of your teeth using a shade guide. Your dentist will slightly roughen the surfaces of your teeth and treat them with an etching solution to assist with the bonding process. Your dentist will then apply the bonding paste, sculpt it and harden it with ultraviolet light.

Interested in Receiving Dental Bonding Near You?

To learn more about dental bonding in South Edmonton, AB, schedule an appointment today. Jagare Ridge Dental offers dental bonding near you.